Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Vancouver Island
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Parhar Business Centre

Commercial Development, Duncan BC

The Parhar Business Centre is located just one kilometre south of Duncan on the Trans Canada Highway. Multiple-use buildings of variable sizes and floor layouts have been built that can suit almost any commercial or light industrial use.

Parhar Group has rezoned the land from C2 (Commercial) to C7 (Commercial and Light Industrial) and will be developing this land in 3 phases, with the gross total sq footages of the buildings totalling 160,000. We are developing this land for both sale and for lease. The zone also allows for the construction of 10 residential units on top of some of the commercial and light industrial buildings.

As part of the rezoning, we have built a pedestrian walkway as an extra community amenity to enhance public safety and access for school children travelling to the nearby elementary school. 

Building 10 is currently being built with building 2 coming soon.

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